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Want to book a Session?

I work within the Bellingham Yoga Collective. Appointments can be booked on their website: or call 360-393-4806. Returning clients can always book with me at 206-947-1298.

And I'm now at the Shanti Center on Tuesdays. You can book here.​​


1.5 hour session - $160

2 hour partner massage class - $160

All sessions are structured according to your specific needs and goals.

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Movement CLasses

I am not teaching group classes at the moment. Please contact me if you are interested, and I will let you know when I start offering them again.




Your time is valuable and my time is valuable. For that reason, I have the following policies:

  • Sessions include time spent filling out new patient intake forms, evaluating health history, and making a treatment plan. Please arrive 15 minutes early to your first appointment to allow extra time for filling out paperwork. (Download the new patient Health History Form).                     

  • An appointment is time reserved especially for you. If you are late, you will still be charged for the full session you booked regardless of whether I have time to go over or not.

  • If I am late, we will complete the full amount of time booked either that day or at a later time.

  • If you must cancel an appointment, please allow 24 hours notice to reschedule or you will be charged for that appointment (with exception for emergencies). I accept cancellations by phone only.

  • If I must cancel and reschedule an appointment due to illness or an emergency, I will call to do so as soon as possible. If I ever fail to show to an appointment, I will provide the rescheduled session free of charge.

  • Please confirm with your doctor that massage therapy is not contraindicated if you are taking any prescription medication or have any current medical conditions.

  • Any client under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present for the initial appointment to sign a consent form. (Download the Minor Consent Form).                             


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